248 Growth Partners
248 Growth Partners was established to invest in growing Australian companies. We partner with high quality founders to help them achieve their growth objectives and maximise value through a material liquidity event.
Our key point of difference is our focus and hands-on approach to investing. We are an active investor, utilising the skills and expertise of our deeply experienced investment team to support our portfolio companies in achieving their goals for growth through operational, hands-on assistance.
How We Invest
We apply a strong set of principles to growth-stage company investments, focusing on a positive and productive outcome for investee companies.
248 Growth Partners applies a strong set of principles to growth-stage company investments – we focus on a positive and productive outcome for all stakeholders.

This information has been prepared and issued by 248 Growth Partners, the trading name of CVC ECF Managers Pty Ltd (ACN 644 213 221, CAR 1284 343, AFSL 541681) (Investment Manager) of the 248 Emerging Companies Fund I & 248 Emerging Companies Fund II (248ECFI and 248ECFII). This information is intended for wholesale investors only. The information provided is factual information or general advice and does not take into account the objectives, financial situation or particular needs of any person. Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance.
This website may contain statements, opinions, projections, forecasts and other material (forward looking statements), based on various assumptions. Those assumptions may or may not prove to be correct. None of 248ECFI, 248ECFII, their officers, employees, agents, advisers nor any other person named in this website makes any representation as to the accuracy or likelihood of fulfilment of the forward looking statements or any of the assumptions upon which they are based. This website is not intended to be a research report (as defined in ASIC Regulatory Guides 79 and 264). Unless otherwise indicated, all views expressed herein are the views of the author and may differ from or conflict with those of others within the group.